Bash Programming Tutorial for Beginners

Bash programming trending now a days. For most of the Linux environment automation required to have shell scripting skill set. 

Complete Video Tutorial

In this course below are the topics

S.No Topic Name
1   Difference between scripting and programming
2   What is shell scripting and it's advantages
3   PATH environment variable
4   What is sub-shell
5   Know different symbols used in shell scripting {}, [], (), *, &,^, %, $, #, @, -, =, <, >, ?, /, \, ~, `, and |
6   Different types of shells
7   Best way of writing shell scripts 
8   Writing your first script and executing
9   Quotes single, double and reverse
10  Grab User input and Print
11 Bash colors
12 script exit status
13  Variables and it's rules
14  Environment Variables, system variables and user defined variables
15  Constant variables, Local & Global variables and Special variables
16  Positional Parameters
17  Count number command line arguments $#
18  Arithmetic Operators
19  Relational Operators
20  Relational ASCII operators
21  Logical Operators
22  Assignment Operators
23 Boolean Operators
24  Redirecting Input, output and errors
25  Maths using expr command
26  Real math using bc command
27  Do mathematics using let command
28  Escape sequence 
29  if statement
30  if statement with test command
31  if-else statement 
32  if-else-if statement
33  Nested if statement
34  Case statement
35  For Loop
36  While Loop
37  Until Loop
38  Break, sleep, continue and Exit
39  Functions
40 Arrays
41  Eval command
42  Shifting parameters using shift command
43  Tput making menu's
44  Executing Multiple scripts from single script
45  $(())
46  logger logging messages to log file
47  IFS
48  Exec to send input to terminal
49  Writing CPU Usage script
50  Writing Disk Utilization script
51  Trouble shooting debugging shell scripts
52  Checking shell script errors and improvements using site
53  Wrap Up / Conclusion